College of Pharmacy
Give to the College of Pharmacy
Your gift enables the College of Pharmacy to continue its leadership in pharmacy education.
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Consistently ranked as one of the best pharmacy schools in the country, the college’s high-quality programs allow students to constantly learn from and interact with an interdisciplinary team of faculty and health care professionals. Your support helps give students access to state-of-the-art laboratory facilities and one of the most comprehensive health centers in the country.
The Ohio State Fund for the College of Pharmacy
Supports the highest priorities of The College of Pharmacy as determined by the Dean.
College of Pharmacy General Scholarship Fund
Provides general support of scholarships in the College of Pharmacy.
College of Pharmacy Graduate Student Support
Supports graduate students at the College of Pharmacy at the discretion of the dean.
The College of Pharmacy Alumni Society Scholarship Fund
Provides a scholarship for an Incoming 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year Pharm.D. student in good academic standing
Pharmaceutical Research Support Fund
Used at the discretion of the highest ranking official in the College or his/her designee to support, promote or advance pharmaceutical research. Uses may support college programs and activities that advance research, or individual investigators including faculty, students, staff or residents.
Ambulatory and Community Care Pharmacy Practice Residency Program
Provides educational resources residents and residency preceptors.
College of Pharmacy Facilities Fund
Supports the maintenance, improvement and creation of facilities that support the mission and vision of The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy
College of Pharmacy Student Professionalization Fund
Covers pharmacy student expenses related to travel to national pharmacy conferences, at the discretion of the Dean of the College of Pharmacy or his designated representative.
The Clifton J. Latiolais Endowed Fund in Health-System Pharmacy
Established October 6, 1995, by alumni and his friends. Income and principal, if needed, support educational and research initiatives and faculty appointments within the area of study of the Health-System Pharmacy.
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